Thursday, 5 May 2011

DVR And Static IP

I am trying to access my dvr from a remote
location, COX gave me a static ip and subnet
mask and the same gateway that the modem
uses but now running through a linksys router,
I can access the DVR thru the intranet
( but not with the static ip they
gave me... the dvr has only one port (80) set ,
is there something I need to do in router
settings to make it viewable over the internet?? 

You, you have to change some settings in the Linksys router.
The Linksys router has only one WAN port, the port that connects you to the internet. All the other ports are behind the router integrated firewall. Therefor, you have to forward port 80 to your DVRs ip address.

Proper setup for the dvr is not port 80. It should be another port like 7000. You do not apply your provider static ip here. The dvr gets private static ip. You configure the router to forward to that private static ip on port 7000.
You access the dvr remotely by putting in the wan ip and the port number in this format wanipaddress:port
To access it internally you put privateipaddress:port

Assuming your lan ip is 192.168.1.x with gateway
You would start with your routers dhcp scope. I would suggest setting it to start at to 254. This leaves you 10 ips to use statically.
Next you go to your dvr and set its ip as static with gateway
You change the port from 80 to say 7000 [you don't want to use 80 for your dvr]
Save the settings.
Test the settings by going to your computer and in IE [or whatever you are using] type in the address bar [note the colon : ] and hit enter. You should have the dvr web interface come up.
Now you move on to external to your network access.
Go back into the router and port forward to listing the port 7000. Save the router settings.
Go to the status page or wan interface and write down the wan ip your router presently has.
Now from a outside of your lan pc [friends house or internet cafe] put into IE that wan ip and port number just like you did when on the lan but replace the lan with wan ip
wanipaddress:7000 for example.
You should once again get the dvr interface.

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